Vintage 2005: Legendary

Vintage 2005 : Legendary 

The 2005 vintage was favoured by a dry spring, a summer with intensely hot days but cool nights, and a beautiful autumn. These exceptional weather conditions, together with constant individual work on the vines, resulted in remarkably mature grapes – the Merlots having a natural alcohol content of more than 14° and 13° for the Cabernets – never known before at Haut-Bailly.

The harvest began on September 14th and took five weeks. Picking was done two days a week and to avoid the most intense heat done only in the mornings.

The yield was low (41hl per ha) but the results were extraordinary. Emile Peynaud’s definition that “an exceptional vintage is the result of unusual weather conditions” applies perfectly to the 2005 vintage. Power, freshness, balance, and elegance characterise this legendary vintage.

Harvest: September 14th – October 11th   
Château Haut-Bailly blend: 58% Cabernet Sauvignon – 36% Merlot – 6% Cabernet Franc
La Parde Haut-Bailly blend: 57% Cabernet Sauvignon – 28% Merlot – 15% Cabernet Franc